On December 7th, 2014, the engineering community suffered a great personal loss with the passing of Dr. Patrick A. Pilling. President and co-founder of Black Eagle Consulting, Dr. Pilling was well known and well respected by his peers throughout the Nevada engineering community. Dr. Pilling served our community for more than 27 years, providing brilliant solutions for the engineering and construction industries. After earning a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Santa Clara University, Dr. Pilling achieved a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from San Jose State University. After just a few years in the Reno area, Dr. Pilling received the National Society of Professional Engineers’ “Young Engineer of the Year” in 1996. While working at SEA Engineers in 1997, Dr. Pilling then earned his Ph.D in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno, and in 2009 became the “Outstanding Graduate Alumni” at UNR. His dedication to professional excellence allowed Black Eagle Consulting to become one of the most successful engineering firms in the Truckee Meadows.
In recognition of his life’s work, The American Society of Civil Engineers – Truckee Meadows Branch selected Dr. Pilling as the 2014 Engineer of the Year.
Recent engineering accomplishments include being the lead geotechnical design partner for the 2014 SouthEast Connector, Phase 2 project, and lead geotechnical consultant for the $5 billion Project Tiger at the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center.
While he focused on professional excellence, he was able to achieve balance with a love for family and community. Married for 25 years with three sons, Pat was also an avid sportsman. Widely known for his love of fishing, he also coached football and was a former President of Reno National Little League. Pat’s professional achievements and community involvement are a legacy of what the engineering community in the Truckee Meadows is all about. He will surely be missed. In his honor, The Patrick A. Pilling Memorial Scholarship has been created to support engineering students at the University of Nevada, Reno.